Matte Brushed Oak Lacquered Juta

Alf DaFrè

Alf DaFrè

Italy, Francenigo di Gaiarine

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Brushed oak lacquered in matte colors refers to a specific finishing technique applied to oak wood.

In this process, oak surfaces are brushed to create texture, enhancing the natural grain pattern of the wood.

After brushing, multiple layers of lacquer are applied in matte colors, providing both protection and a distinct appearance to the wood.

  • To maintain furniture with lacquered wood, regularly dust the surfaces with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent the accumulation of dirt and debris.
  • Avoid using abrasive or harsh cleaning products, as they can damage the lacquer finish; instead, use a mild soap or a specialized lacquer cleaner.
  • Wipe up spills promptly to prevent stains and water damage, as lacquered wood is susceptible to moisture.
  • Keep furniture away from direct sunlight and extreme temperature fluctuations, as these can cause the lacquer to fade or crack over time.
  • Periodically apply a furniture polish specifically designed for lacquered surfaces to enhance the shine and protect the wood finish.
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